April Awareness Month: see what you can do to help
Posted on
April 9, 2010 by
Carol Conklin in
Blog, Uncategorized
April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month and National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Many organizations across the country are doing their part to help fight child abuse and sexual assault this month. We here at iOppose know how important these these two topics are as they are both causes we promote. Familiarize yourself with the realities and help spread the word to put an end to Child Abuse and Sexual Assault! Here are some stats on child abuse and sexual assault:
About Victims
1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will be a victim of sexual assault in their lifetime.
College age women are 4 times more likely to be sexually assaulted.
Sexual Assault Numbers
In 2007, there were 248,300 victims of sexual assault.
Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.
Reporting to Police
60% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police.
Reporting has increased by 1/3 since 1993.
About Rapists
Approximately 73% of rape victims know their assailants.
Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail.
Stats provided by www.rainn.org
Stats on Child Abuse
- Almost five children die everyday as a result of child abuse. More than three out of four are under the age of 4.
- It is estimated that between 60-85% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates.
- 90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way; 68% are abused by family members.
- 31% percent of women in prison in the United States were abused as children.
- Over 60% of people in drug rehabilitation centers report being abused or neglected as a child.
- About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse.
- The estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2007 is $104 billion.
- Abused children are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy.
- Abused teens are 3 times less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at greater risk for STDs.
Stats provided by www.childhelp.org