Albert Roundtree, Jr. is an aspiring rapper. His music video, titled “Booty Pop,” is filled with promiscuity not unlike many other music videos today. The video is filled with gyrating women in bikinis, while Albert raps “I can make your booty pop” while squirting them with a supersoaker. This would normally just be thrown in […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Carol Conklin was featured in WIVB News last Thursday to discuss sex trafficking in Western New York, and the motivation some married men have to visit the brothels. “This thrill-seeking and risk-taking and fact it’s illegal increases the thrill of it,” she said. Read the rest of the article here.
No Comments. Continue Reading...Let’s all hope this catches on. Good job, Vogue! Vogue magazine, perhaps the world’s top arbiter of style, is making a statement about its own models: Too young and too thin is no longer in. Source: WIVB News
3 Comments. Continue Reading...Want to help iOppose fight sexual abuse and exploitation? Do you think you’ll be buying something off in the future? If you click the link below and make a purchase off Amazon, they will make a donation to us FOR you. You don’t spend a penny extra than you would if you bought the […]
2 Comments. Continue Reading...iOppose will be making some big announcements soon, so we’ve spruced up our YouTube channel quite a bit. If you subscribe, you’ll get the newest iOppose announcements in video form, and it will help us to promote our organization digitally. We look forward to hearing what you think of our announcements, so be sure to […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...2011 was an important year for many of us, and has been the most important year so far for iOppose. We have come a long way since we began our mission in 2010. Carol, president and founder of iOppose, has given talks and presentations on sexuality and what issues we face as a society regarding […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...If you’re a subscriber to the Buffalo News, you may have noticed Carol’s appearance last week in an article concerning child pornography and pedophilia. If you missed it you can still see the full article by clicking here. From the article: “…Conklin holds up a recent issue of People magazine in front of the group members gathered […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...At the end of World War I, fighting officially stopped at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918—Armistice Day was born, now known as Veteran’s Day. It was an official truce to all the fighting that claimed so many casualties. Today we are the victims of an ever-present yet […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Often we may look to the media to blame on the early sexualization of girls. In many cases, It can be appropriate to do because the overexposure of some media can impact what our society chooses to focus on. It seems that television is captivating audiences mainly through reality tv shows of all kinds. A […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Check out this PSA created by the Girl Scouts of America. What a great reminder for all media users!
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